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REVIEW: African Pride’s Shea Butter Miracle Bouncy Curls Pudding

31 Oct
Recently, I celebrated my two year natural hair anniversary and I’m so 
proud of myself for lasting this long. After the constant battle with the 
daily maintenance of MY natural hair I thought I would be going back 
to relaxers. But I must admit that having natural hair is fun because its 
versatile and with versatility comes product sampling. 
I purchase a new product every 2 weeks and my newest find was 
African Prides Shea Butter Miracle Bouncy Curls Pudding. 
I noticed a lot of posts on Instagram about this product and I had
to run out and purchase it. My local beauty supply store had it for 
only $5.99 and I thought to myself how could something so spectacular
be so inexpensive?!?!?! 
I also purchased my favorite go to product, Eco Styler Gel with Olive Oil, 
just in case the Pudding didnt work on my hair. 
As always, I shampooed and conditioned my hair before applying the pudding. 
As soon as I applied the Bouncy Curl Pudding I saw instant results. 
On the right side of my hair you can tell how my hair laid so nicely 
in the photo below. 
I’m also pleased at the fact that this product really moisturized my hair. 
I put chiney bumps (b.k.a. Bantu Knots in the natural hair dictionary) 
the next day and my hair felt really good. No dryness, no flaking (we HATE that), 
and not dull looking. 
I will definitely purchase more jars in the near future because I am extremely 
heavy handed when it comes to applying products to my hair. 
Check out more photos below. 
Disclosure: I purchased this product with my own money. It was not provided to 
me for free from African Pride. This review was based on my own experience 
and no one influenced my opinion. 

Review and Giveaway: Mercy Drink /Happy National Tequila Day

24 Jul

Its Tuesday, July 24, 2012, b.k.a. NATIONAL TEQUILA DAY and what better
way to celebrate this holiday than to tell you about this new product on 
the market that helps to prevent, get this……HANGOVERS!!!
Mercy drink was provided to me about a month ago to review but I purposely 
waited until my birthday 2 weeks ago to try out. Since I don’t drink on the 
regular, I knew my birthday would be the best time. That night I had
a mixture of Patron and Ciroc (amount will not be disclosed, hehe). 
As I’m enjoying my celebrations I remembered that I forgot my Mercy drink
at home. I hurried home and immediately went to my refrigerator for a can 
of Mercy. I didn’t think it would really work because the instructions clearly
states to drink Mercy during or immediately after consuming alcohol. 
Knowing I had 3 children who would be waking ME, not daddy, up 
for breakfast, I had high hopes that mercy would come to my rescue. 
Five hours later, the kids are up making noise and I woke up 
with NO HANGOVER at all. Of course I was a little sleepy
but I didnt have that yucky feeling inside nor did I have 
the usual massive headaches. 
I’m happy to say that Mercy is the real deal!!!

Here’s some more information about Mercy…
-Contains amino acids, vitamins and minerals
-Detoxifies, replenishes and protects
-Caffeine free, NOT an energy drink
-Helps alleviate alcohol flush
-65 calories, 16 grams of sugar
-Drink on its own or as a mixer
You can find more information about Mercy on their
Now for the exciting news! 
Two (2) of my readers will win a 4 PACK of Mercy Drink. 
All you have to do is in the box below 
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a Rafflecopter giveaway

DISCLAIMER: Mercy drink was shipped to me for a review. I was
not compensated with any money to give this review. All thoughts
are my own and not of Mercy drink.