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Coupon: $1 Off McCafe beverage

19 May

When I visit McDonalds, my beverage’s of choice are the Mocha Frappe’,
Mango Pineapple and Wild Berry Smoothies. About three weeks ago
I decided to try the latest addition to their McCafe menu,
the Cherry Berry Chiller. Made with 100% fruit juice, it’s a perfect
drink on a hot day especially in South Florida. When I tasted
the Cherry Berry Chiller, I didnt experience a party in my mouth
like I usually do with the Mango Pineapple Smoothie. But I’m not
giving up on the drink as yet because I know first hand that your
McCafe beverage experience is all in the hands of the employee
who makes it.

McDonald’s wants you to try out one of their McCafe beverages
with a $1.00 coupon on any size,
-Cherry Berry Chiller
-Real Fruit Smoothie
-Frozen Strawberry Lemonade

Click the link below to print out your coupon. Expires June 15, 2012

Happy Drinking!